Rules That Limit Us (Emergence)

In our normal lives these rules may be quite evident or quite deeply hidden, even unconscious. What are the rules that allow us to weave our way along a crowded rush-hour pavement without repeated collisions

Bolivian Leadership

Wherever you go, whatever culture you're in, some things remain the same. Thinking about culture, group dynamics and leadership.

Great Places Have Soul

Great places have soul. They aren't simply about great architecture, great infrastructure or great locations. There is a life to great places, a vibrancy built on the relationship between the people who live, work and

The 11 Laws of Systems Thinking

11 handy laws for system thinkers, these act as useful prompts when considering social problems. Most problems have their antecedents in the unintended consequence of previous efforts for change. How do you avoid falling into

Wind: A Film On Systems Thinking

Introduced by John Atkinson. We often speak about the symbiotic nature of living systems, how a living thing is defined by its environment and in turn also defines that environment. This is illustrated beautifully in

Donella Meadows: Dancing With Systems

(By Donella Meadows. Available from ) 1. Get the beat.2. Listen to the wisdom of the system.3. Expose your mental models to the open air.4. Stay humble. Stay a learner.5. Honor and protect information.6. Locate responsibility

Video- Timothy Gallwey: The Inner Game in action

This short video shows Gallwey demonstrating the inner game coaching method. Showing what can be achieved when the mind is drawn into simply 'being' and 'doing', rather than limiting itself through overthinking and the

Video- Scharmer: The Three Enemies

This video from Otto Scharmer and The Presencing Institute introduces the concept of 'the three enemies'. (Global Classroom Lecture 3: Connecting to Source).

3 Q’s for Leaders

(By John Atkinson) Times are hard. The reality of 'delayering' is that there are less people around, particularly less senior people, who can help us change our organisations for the future. As they have left

Complex or Complicated?

(By John Atkinson) I'm not usually a stickler for language. I like to find a way of getting things across that connects with people depending on their view of the world not mine. When you become

Navigating Complexity- Eye For A Route

To the novice climber finding a way through the chaotic tumble of buttresses and gullies seems impossible. The lines seem hard to pick from a distance and just disappear once you are amongst the rocks