John Atkinson

In over 25 years of leading, advising, consulting, designing, call it as you like, change processes, I've learned that things simply don’t happen the way the models say. It is always messy. You never know enough. Nobody has the whole picture. Things grow, die and are re-born in strange ways and at unforeseen moments. Working with this needs intuition, sense, experience. You can’t simply follow the 7 steps, or adopt the 4 roles. I guide people through major change in this way, helping them to make new sense of situations, changing the way they think. This way we together tap into more of the full potential of any situation and create something that really works.
Emma Loftus

The world we live in is complex and it's messy. Our interactions and being are shaped by our experiences, our identity, our understanding and our relationships. I hope to help places and people to better understand the ways they experience the change they're in and their responses to it, so that change can be influenced and shaped in ways that meet an individual's and place's needs. I believe it is only in this way that we together can bring a shared sense of meaning to our work, lives and world.
And thus make meaningful change.