‘Resilient’ was the first word mentioned when we explored recently how you might need to be in order to work ...

‘Last Winter’
To undertake such a journey is to soak into a world of deep awareness. Conscious thought and sub-conscious intuition interchanged ...

The Local Corporation
If the global business is to find a sustainable balance it must attend to the local as well as the ...

Taylorism and Meaning
John Atkinson is a co-curator of Heart of the Art Frederick Winslow Taylor was a much misunderstood man. He is ...

Exploring Capra
Fritjof has been one of the key influencers in encouraging a shift from a Cartesian view of the world that ...

Taiichi Ohno’s 7 Wastes
There is often confusion as to the term system thinking. For some it means improvement processes, maybe based in the ...

Vive la revolution!
I was fortunate to be trained in leadership for a year at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. Towards the end, ...

Killing the Change Agent
By John Atkinson. Living systems act to preserve their identity. If you perturb them they try to remove the source ...

Wicked Problems and Category Mistakes
Certain statements about problems are likely to be rendered false or meaningless if it can be shown that the problem ...

Culture Change Pogroms
We are all familiar with cultural change programmes. Sadly most of them are more like ‘Culture Change Pogroms’. They ask ...

A binary issue
Whenever you try to reduce a complex dilemma to a binary issue you are wrong. The ‘Leave’ or ‘Remain’ question ...

Irreducible Uncertainty
Sometimes we think we've got it cracked, finally found the answer, discovered the insight, the key that unlocks everything. In ...

The Bleakest Thing I’ve Seen
When we don’t consider people’s lives in context, in their entirety, we design policy that manifestly fails. People on health ...

Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast
By John Atkinson Peter Drucker is credited as saying that ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’. It is certainly manna from ...

The Queen!
what happens when your organisation is so evidently getting it wrong that people are suffering, that their work is becoming ...

Disruptive Algorithms for Change
Exploring using' clever' algorithms as a way of interacting with and even as mechanisms for distilling change from within. It's ...

There Is No Scientific Method
Why are the results of science considered more reliable than those from other forms of human inquiry, like poetry or ...

It’s Time for Quality Leadership in the Pharmaceutical Industry
The way that we have set about delivering this quality has led to an environment where improvements to processes and ...

Ecological Systems Theory
The Ecological Systems theory states that human development is influenced by the different types of environmental systems. Formulated by famous ...

Family Systems Theory
A family systems approach argues that in order to understand a family system we must look at the family as ...

Dynamic Systems Theory and Sports Training
Performance and training science has traditionally been deeply influenced by the mechanical conception of human beings. It conceives the organism ...

Martial Arts Strategy & The Five Elements
The five element theory is a way of taking a lot of information and organizing it in a way that ...

Cognitive Dissonance Theory for Inspiring Social Change
The significance of cognitive dissonance needs to be understood to rationalize the theory underlying social change processes. Social change in ...

Cheshire Cat Grins
The reason we don’t truly become Change Makers is that we don’t want to. We really want to preserve things ...

Jeff Conklin: Wicked Problems and Social Complexity
This book is about collective intelligence: the creativity and resourcefulness that a group or team can bring to a collaborative ...

It ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it…
How often is it that we design a strategy, or propose a policy, that we know is good, valuable and ...

Paddling Just Paddling
I am in a bubble where time and the wider world have gone and all that matters is the synthesis ...

The NHS is alive but rather unwell
The NHS is alive but rather unwell. Much great work is being done and we remain the envy of many ...

Bolivian Leadership
Wherever you go, whatever culture you're in, some things remain the same. Thinking about culture, group dynamics and leadership ...

Video-Viktor Frankl: People Want Meaning and Purpose
Viktor Frankl speaks about how to help people, including ourselves, reach the potential of our lives. That's not about material ...

Great Places Have Soul
Great places have soul. They aren't simply about great architecture, great infrastructure or great locations. There is a life to ...

3 Q’s for Leaders
(By John Atkinson) What must I do to change my organisation? Times are hard. The reality of 'delayering' is that ...

Complex or Complicated?
(By John Atkinson) I'm not usually a stickler for language. I like to find a way of getting things across that ...

Lewin: A closer look at the life and work of
(By John Atkinson) Below the surface - a deeper look at Lewin Kurt Lewin was one of the seminal thinkers ...

Bateson: An introduction
Gregory Bateson was one of the key thinkers in developing ways of seeing the world as a connected whole, challenging ...