Lewin- Force Field Analysis

By Emma Loftus
No, it's not sci-fi. Force Field Analysis, sometimes called Field Theory, is a change tool developed by the systems theorist and psychologist Kurt Lewin, founded on the principles of Gestaltism and behaviourism. It is a tool based on the belief that everything has relevance. The simple aim is to highlight and uncover the driving and resisting forces for change. And then move towards change, not by increasing the power of the positive forces, as is often the underlying principle of change practices and the overarching trend in change, but instead through seeking to reduce the power of the resisting forces. Because if the resisting forces aren't addressed they'll just continue to get in the way.
Force Field Analysis is particularly useful when used in conjunction with Lewin's model of Change.
If you're not already familiar with it, this is the discovery technique:
- In the centre of your display of choice, name the 'desired state of affairs' or the issue.
- On the left hand side of the display list all the driving (positive) forces for change.
- On the right hand side list all the resisting forces.
- Now ascribe a value between 1 and 10 to each force (numbers can be used multiple times.)
The numbering of forces enables their significance and potential influence and impact to be discussed and analysed, as well as making it clear where action needs to be taken.
You can find out more in The Art of Change Making